The Crossroads
A new music augmented reality experience by Synchromy.


Friday, February 25th, 2022
Monday, February 28th, 2022
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022


Art Share L.A.
801 E 4th Pl
Los Angeles, CA 90013


Sliding scale donations, $5 and up.


Christopher Adler: Selections from Zaum Box

Juhi Bansal: Credo

Ethan Braun: Ashley’s Work

John Cage: Living Room Music

John Cage: A Room

Natacha Diels: 2.5 Nightmares for Jessie

Garth Knox: Ghost

Matthew Peterson: Näcken


Richard An, percussion and piano
Jennifer Bewerse, cello
Jordan Curcuruto, percussion
Xenia Deviatkina-Loh, violin
Sidney Hopson, percussion and narration
Jillian Lopez, ghost story
Kathryn Shuman, percussion and voice
Cassia Streb, viola
Ashley Walters, cello


Middle Ear Project, production management
Tyler Eschendal, filming and video editing


Hello, and congratulations! You’ve found the Crossroads. We’re so glad that you could join us at Art Share L.A. for this immersive site-specific presentation. As an intrepid audience member you are invited to explore the galleries and halls of the space—a lone traveler with only an iPad as your guide. This 35-minute experience includes performances from L.A.-based musicians interpreting music by John Cage, Juhi Bansal, Garth Knox, Christopher Adler, and Natacha Diels, to name a few. Upon arrival, you will choose one of two paths, leading you to mermaids, ghosts, and (potentially) 2.5 nightmares. While we’ve never actually lost someone inside the Crossroads, we are always a little relieved to see that folks have found their way back at the end. Reserve your entry time today as we’re sure it’s as clear to you now as it is to us. The path on the right is the one for you! I mean, unless you feel otherwise?